My Emoji Story


Ramen (The Girl)ย  And The Magical Fishย 

One day day a girl named Ramen was on a train to go see some sheep because she loves stealing their wool. But when she made it to the sheep farm the sheep were GONE!!! The pens were full of horses. Ramen hates horses because they don’t have any wool and she loves wool. Then a magical fish comes floating down from the sky โ€œhelp me stop littering!โ€ said the magical fish. โ€œOk but only on one condition, give me some WOOL!!โ€™ she screamed. โ€œOk ok, fine but we must go to the city we will take the bullet train.โ€  Once they make it to the bullet train they see the princess sting across the train! The fish floats over to the princess and says โ€œI will play the piano at your wedding if you banish littering!!โ€ said the fish โ€œNOOO YOU ARE A STUPID  FISH YOU WILL NOT RUIN MY WEDDING!!โ€ Then the train falls off the tracks and into a bunch of water. Ramen and the fish think they will die so Ramen says one last thing โ€œ I must say this I love you magical fish!โ€ then they kiss and forever live happily.

What do you think the youngest age is that someone who commits a serious crime should go to a juvenile detention centre?

i believe that the youngest age should be 7. just because they are young doesn’t mean that are not dangerous, they could be a psychopath or have a mental disorder that makes them want to commit crimes more and more and, they might not feel guiltily since they cant go to the centre and wont face any consistences. also they could start killing people and put peoples lives in danger. so that is why i believe the youngest age someone should go to a juvenile detention centre is 7.